Amazon Prime Day is coming: here’s how to win the Buy Box
Amazon Prime Day 2017

Amazon Prime Day is coming: here’s how to win the Buy Box

Amazon said Prime Day 2016 was its biggest sales day ever—even small sellers reaped the rewards, reporting a three-fold upswing in sales versus the inaugural event in 2015. And this year’s extravaganza, kicking off at 9 p.m. EST on July 10, is shaping up to be a boon for business as well, with thousands of …

Our customer support mantra: ‘Be quick, be right, be personable’
Customer support

Our customer support mantra: ‘Be quick, be right, be personable’

Customer support can be a thankless task. Let’s face it – our trusted staff are sometimes bombarded with a ton of queries which by their very nature, are primarily from disgruntled customers. Solving queries and striving to represent the company in a positive light is a challenge. Yet with transactions taking place online, these support …

[Webinar] Win new customers with Amazon Sponsored Products
Amazon Sponsored Products

[Webinar] Win new customers with Amazon Sponsored Products

Grow your business with Amazon Sponsored Products In this webinar CPC Strategy’s Manager of Marketplace Channels, David Cooley, joins xSellco eCommerce Specialist Aideen Kerr, to provide detailed insights on how to use Amazon Sponsored Products, Amazon’s pay per click platform, as a tool for long-term business growth. 2016 was a year full of change for …

10 top tips from our customer support champions
customer support

10 top tips from our customer support champions

Meet the xSellco support team Meet the xSellco support team; Matt, David, Roisin, Hannah and James. I like to think of our team as superheroes – each one of them has a different power that contributes to the overall success of the company. Our team plays a key part in running xSellco smoothly; from settling …

Selling on Newegg marketplace – everything you need to know
selling on newegg

Selling on Newegg marketplace – everything you need to know

Do you want to diversify your online business? Expanding onto new marketplaces is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reach new customers and increase your sales. You may have already built a strong online business by trading on Amazon and eBay, as well as growing your website sales, but you could be …

E-commerce mobile sales: optimize your business and increase your sales
mobile sales

E-commerce mobile sales: optimize your business and increase your sales

Mobile sales Optimization for your business It’s the New Year, and with a New Year comes an abundance of white noise in eCommerce. Many blogs are underwhelming listicles of eCommerce predictions for 2017. Forget the lists and let’s focus on one thing that’s essential for your business in 2017 – mobile sales and optimization. The …

Selling on PriceMinister: the French marketplace that has it all

Selling on PriceMinister: the French marketplace that has it all

The French eCommerce market – ‘Je ne sais quoi’ The French eCommerce market has a particular ‘Je ne sais quoi’ – a certain something that makes it unique. What is it that distinguishes the French market from other European markets, and why would you expand your business to France? And if you were to expand …